Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hey Bebe!

Been very, very busy for the past week. Work is killing me slowly but surely, and my energy level is in the toilet. It probably doesn't help being 2 1/2 months prego. That's right. I said PREGO!!!!!

Little bebe T will make it's appearance around October 1. Who's excited?!

9 thoughts:

Mom of Three said...

I'm excited!

Barefoot in the Park said...

that is so very exciting!!

Anonymous said...

Shut up!!! A little Justin T!! happy and excited for you both!!!

katie lake said...

Congrats on the bun in the oven!

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Mama!!! I'm so excited for the both of you!

AverettLadyNana said...

I'm excited!! I am sure she/he will be as sweet as you (&your b. & s) were when you lived behind me growing up! said...

Exciting news!!!!

Oh, how hard it is to work with low energy levels. I sympatize!!

Take care of you and the little one!

simply soulshine said...

ahhhhhhhhh! I'm so excited for you. We should get together. nobody knows what you're goin' through like I do.

Congrats mama-cita!

Jaina said...

Geez, I take a two week break because reading on the computer was hurting my eyes/head too much, and I come back and everyone's pregnant! Congratulations!!!! That is SO exciting!!