Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's all in the presentation

So I'm having to take a 2 day EKG class for work and am loving it! I have always been a little bit afraid of the heart's anatomy and physiology, vascular issues, and really cardiac nursing in general. I got through the cardiac sections of my med surg classes by the skin of my teeth, and I would never have applied for a position on the cardiac unit before now, and I think it all comes down to the teacher and her presentation of the facts.
I was sitting in class today looking at all 25 heart rhythms that we have gone through in 2 days and wondered why the teachers I encountered in nursing school couldn't break it down like this? It's warm outside, and kind of warm in the classroom, so I started drifting off in to Lala land, and thinking to myself-it's all in the presentation! I've heard the same facts before, but not in this order, and not in this light. (Which kind of made me think of Aunt Buoy-she can tell you to shove it and she says it in such a kind way that you don't realize you've been told off until two days later, but that's a whole different post.) What the hell have I been so afraid of? I few wavy lines on a gridded piece of paper? Bless my teacher's heart, I am giving her a Valentine on Friday when I go in for the test. I heart her presentation of the heart.

0 thoughts: